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An unknown third party is falsely representing themselves as the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. or as having some affiliation with us and claiming to offer legal aid for a nominal fee which must be paid by credit card. The Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. (LASMNY) DOES NOT CHARGE ANY FEE(S) for its services and has not authorized any third party to do so or to represent us in any manner. If you are contacted by anyone claiming to be from or associated with the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. and asking for payment or credit card information for any reason, please note the phone number they are calling from and hang up immediately! 

Report this information to us at immediately 315-793-7000.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our MV Gives campaign September 20! Your generous, online gifts allow us to continue our mission and implement

much-needed programs and services. 

Support our Mission! 

If you are interested in supporting our work here at the Legal Aid Society of

Mid-New York, Inc. (LASMNY) please visit and click on Please Donate today!

Thank you for your gift of justice...because Justice is for All!

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ما هي المساعدة القانونية؟

What is Legal Aid?
تشغيل الفيديو


يأتي عملاؤنا من خلفيات مختلفة. إنهم عاملون وعائلات وذوي إعاقة. هم من كبار السن والمحاربين القدماء والأشخاص الذين يحصلون على منافع عامة. هم مواطنون أمريكيون ومهاجرون ولاجئون وعمال مؤقتون.


قد تكون مؤهلاً للحصول على الخدمات بناءً على دخلك وحجم عائلتك. لمعرفة ما إذا كنت مؤهلاً ، اتصل أو تفضل بزيارة مكتب قريب منك. إذا كنت تبلغ من العمر 60 عامًا أو أكثر ، أو إذا كنت ضحية للعنف العائلي ، فقد تكون مؤهلاً للحصول على خدماتنا حتى إذا لم تكن من ذوي الدخل المنخفض.

مجال خدمتنا

نحن نخدم المقاطعات الثلاثة عشر التالية: بروم وكايوجا وتشينانجو وكورتلاند وديلاوير وهيركيمر وجيفرسون ولويس وماديسون وأونيدا وأونونداجا وأوسيجو وأوتسيغو.


كما نخدم العمال الزراعيين في أي مكان في ولاية نيويورك.

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جمعية المساعدة القانونية في منتصف نيويورك ، وشركة

جمعية المساعدة القانونية في منتصف نيويورك ، وشركة

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Privacy Policy

At the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc., we value your privacy and make every effort to respect your wishes and personal information. To further this commitment, we have established the following policy

for the use of our Text/SMS message service. Please read it carefully to understand how we collect, use, and manage your phone numbers.


We collect your phone numbers only when you voluntarily provide them to us, for example, when you apply to be a client or submit an application for employment. You can opt in to receive Text/SMS messages

either by telling an intake worker that you consent to receiving them and consenting in writing during the intake or job application process.  We will not send you mass marketing solicitations.  We will only initiate

SMS messages regarding the application process or to remind you of court dates or about services your requested. Consenting to receiving Text/SMS messages is not required to receive services or to apply for

employment at the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc.

Mobile Subscriber Information

Your mobile information will NEVER be shared with other parties under any circumstances. We will not share your phone number with third parties, affiliates, or for marketing or promotional purposes.

We will only share your phone number with our Text/SMS provider, subject to their privacy policy. We use a telephone service provider to send Text/SMS communications to users who have opted in.

Text/SMS messaging charges may be applied by your carrier.


You can choose to exchange text messages (OPT-IN) or stop exchanging text messages (OPT-OUT) with us at any time by providing us with notice as described herein:

To start receiving Text/SMS messages from us (OPT-IN), you must identify and consent to this preference in writing during the intake process with your caseworker or advocate.

To stop receiving Text/SMS messages from us (OPT-OUT), you must notify us through any one of the means below:

  • Texting STOP to our phone number which sent you a Text/SMS message

  • Texting UNSUBSCRIBE to our phone number which sent you a Text/SMS message

  • Calling the advocate handling your case and asking to opt-out of Text/SMS messaging

  • Sending an email to the advocate handling your case and asking to opt-out of Text/SMS messaging

Please note that the opt-out process may take up to 10 business days to become effective. During this period, you may still receive some messages from us.


Once you have opted out, we will not send you any more Text/SMS messages, nor will we sell or transfer your phone number to another party.


We may periodically update this policy. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat your information by placing a prominent notice on our website.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please call us at (315) 793-7000.

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